Respiro Exhibition

Everyone has the need to get one day on the edge of the cliff where the sea and the sky are in constant attraction, and to take a deep, very deep breath!

RESPIRO series of Ralitsa Stoitseva is exactly that deep breath of air needed by the creator. Authentic and true to her artistic vocation, every single moment and every day Ralitsa plunges into her art where freedom and timelessness are in constant attraction.

The author enters straight into the plot; namely, the way of life is a constant: tranquilizing as well as strangling; charming as well as cruel. It gives as much as it is needed and takes what is in excess…even if this is in contrast with our desire. But there is something which is unconditional…. life is worth being lived through because of the bits of love which assemble the important picture… the one that we remember, the one that we cherish forever.

The main characters in the works of Ralitsa Stoitseva are the heart, the core of the walnut and its armour (the walnut shell). All of them are fragments that make up the plot. On top of them, like a baroque lace, written words in any language emerge and they all are shouting: LOVE.

Why RESPIRO? Because the same way as the main character Gracia in the film of Emanuele Crialese with the same name, Ralitsa is also fantastic, loved, obsessed by the desire for creative freedom, unconventional at the background of a local art scene.


Credits:   curator: Tsvetelina Anastasova   |   Photographer: Mario Marinov   |   Web Design: Jana Werner


Copyright 2024 R.Stoitseva